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Hankkija hosted the 65th Intercoop Feed Congress in Helsinki on 14th to 16th June. The Congress brought together nutritionists from European cooperative feed mills to discuss about actual topics of animal production.  

“Intercoop Feed Congress is an event to share information between colleagues and learn new things on actual topics. It also offers an opportunity to meet old friends, befriend with new ones and to network. These factors probably explain such a long continuance of the Congress”, said Hankkija’s R&D director Juhani Vuorenmaa in his opening speech.

The general theme of the 2023 Congress was One Health for animal, human and environment. The keynote speakers from Helsinki One Health research network presented research on zoonotic multi-resistant bacteria (Assistant Professor Anna-Mari Heikinheimo), on development of intestinal microbiome and immunity in young animals (Dr. Mikael Niku), on utilization of feeding behavior for improving dairy cow welfare (Associate Professor Peter Krawczel) and on free farrowing sows and tail biting (Professor Anna Valros).

Cooperation and research between different faculties of Helsinki One Health network help us to develop more sustainable animal production which is essential for the continuation of the food production.

The Congress included also practical and actual feeding topics in animal species specific workshops. These focused on alternative protein raw materials and other feedstuffs, protein utilization and nutritional requirements.

During the visit to Viikki Research farm of Helsinki University the participants explored pasture trials of dairy cows, domestic protein crops, and carbon sequestration to fields. The other excursion site of the Congress was Kotkaniemi Research Farm of Yara ltd. where regenerative farming, grass crop trials and Hankkija’s Smart Farming Concept were introduced. The excursion day was completed with sauna and swimming on a sunny and warm summer evening. Great experience according to many participants!