A dual function product

The whole Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is activated by unique hydrolysis for effective modulation of microbiota and immunity. This results in improved feed efficiency and growth and reduced diarrhea risk.

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Overview — Progut®

Unique Activation

Patented yeast hydrolysate. Its specific acid hydrolysis process without separating the extract results in high amount of soluble, bioactive yeast structures that are available for the microbes and immune system in the gut.

Dual Function

High content of soluble, molecular structures makes Progut® especially effective in modulating microbiota and immunity. Progut® has outstanding E. coli and Salmonella binding capacity and it beneficially modulates intestinal and rumen microbiota. This is combined with the ability to speed up the immune maturation of young animals helping them to cope better with challenges.

Performance Booster

Progut® has proven to bring consistent customer benefits. Improved feed efficiency and growth, reduced diarrhea risk, faster immune protection against challenges and improved milk production have been shown both in scientific and commercial trials.
Benefits in Farm Animals

Activate Internal Protection

Our whole yeast hydrolysate delivers benefits of several yeast product types in one package. Progut® improves animal performance in different conditions by activating immune protection and modulating gut and rumen microbiota.

  • Poultry
  • Pig
  • Young ruminants
  • Aquaculture
  • Other Species
Improves broiler performance

• Progut® improved feed conversion ratio and reduced mortality in young broilers until 14 days of age.

• Progut® improved broiler feed conversion ratio during 42 days rearing period on average by 2 points.

Benefits wellbeing of birds by modulating immunity

• Progut® increased concentration of IgA in broiler gut by 38%.

• Progut® increased secretion of interferon-γ in Eimeria challenged broilers by 68–82%, but not in unchallenged birds.

• Progut® improved day old chicken immunity when applied to broiler breeder feed.

• Progut® alleviated the consequences of chronic enteritis in layers.

Binds Salmonella and E. Coli

• Progut® reduced Salmonella count in boot swab by almost one log in comparison to control, when applied in broiler diet during the last 2 weeks of rearing.

• Progut® outperformed competing yeast products tested in in vitro binding capacity of poultry related Salmonella and E. coli strains.

Broilers and Turkeys
Starter period: 0.9 kg/t of feed • Grower period: 0.6 kg/t of feed • Finisher period: 0.35 kg/t of feed
Layers and Breeder stock
Layers, Pre-lay and Phase 1: 0.9 kg/t of feed • Breeder stock: 0.9 kg/t of feed

The recommended doses can be increased to double in challenging conditions.
We call Progut® a 3-in 1 product, for thanks to its unique hydrolysis Progut® has a profound immune stimulation ability, it can bind with pathogens like E. coli and balance gut microbiota.
At weaning, immature immune and intestinal system can affect the growth and feed efficiency of the piglets. Many stress factors associated with the weaning period, such as removing from the sow, changes in the diet, adapting to a new environment, mixing of piglets from different farms also lead to an intestinal dysfunction in piglets can be associated with proliferation of enterotoxigenic E. coli and post-weaning diarrhea. Progut® has a proven record of performance improvement in wean piglets by reducing the risk of diarrhea, improve feed intake and FCR. Due to the hydrolysis process Progut® contains relatively higher amount of sugar structures which provide an alternative binding sites to bacteria and reduces the attachment of E. coli to gut mucus. However, Progut® is fastening the immunomaturation of young animals by increasing the amount of immune cells in the intestinal epithelium and by increasing immunoglobulin production.
Prevents of E. coli problems

• Reduced fecal shedding of hemolytic E. coli in challenged piglets

• Higher in vitro binding capacity of pig related E. coli strains than the tested competing yeast products

• Higher prevention of E. coli attachment to piglet ileal mucus than the tested competing yeast products

• Reduced intestinal permeability increase under E. coli challenge ex vivo

Prevents weaning diarrhea in piglets

• Reduced risk of weaning diarrhea in E. coli challenged piglets

• Reduced diarrhea in E. coli challenged piglets

Modulates immunity

• Increased antibody titers against the sheep red blood cells in weaners, and tendency to increase IgG in serum 2 weeks post-weaning

• Increased concentration of IgA and amount of CD4 and CD8 + lymphocytes in the gut

• Increased production of IP-10 cytokine (chemo-attractant) in dendritic cell model in vitro (Bioplex immunoassay)

Improves piglet performance

• Improved FCR in weaners

• Improved growth and FCR in weaners

Improves sow and litter performance

• Progut® in sow feed before farrowing increased colostrum yield and fat, reduced farrowing duration, and numerically reduced pre-weaning mortality

• Progut® in sow feed before farrowing numerically increased IgG in colostrum, piglet birth and weaning weights, improved litter uniformity, and reduced pre-weaning mortality

PIGLETS Training of immunity, prevention of weaning diarrhea problems and improvement of performance of weaned piglets
• Suckling piglets: 1.8 kg/ton, piglets from weaning to 2 weeks post-weaning 1.2 kg/ton, older piglets (2 weeks post-weaning >): 0.6 kg/ton
SOWS Improvement of litter performance through improved colostrum yield and quality
• Minimum one week before farrowing until end of lactation 1.0 kg/ton

The recommended doses can be increased to double in challenging conditions.
Progut® has shown performance benefits in applications for calves, goat kids and lambs. Along with the beneficial effects in the gut Progut® enhances rumen development and function.
Trains the immunity to respond better to challenges

• Progut® enhanced response to bacterial and viral challenges, measured by increased amounts of bacterial and viral specific IgA in the serum of calves challenged with Hog cholera and Erysipelothrix insidiossa.

Effectively binds calf specific E. coli and Salmonella

• Progut® showed an outstanding capacity to bind calf specific E. coli and Salmonella bacteria in comparison to competing yeast cell wall products.

Reduces diarrhea risk

• Progut® addition in starter feed improved fecal and health scores of young calves.

Improves growth and feed efficiency

• Progut® addition in starter feed improved growth and FCR of young calves.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION in calves, lambs and goat kids for training of immunity, prevention of diarrhea problems and improvement of performance
• Starter feeds: 0.6–1.8 kg/ton of feed • Milk replacers: 1.8 kg/ton of feed
Modulation of immunity

• Increased production of IP-10 cytokine (chemo-attractant) in dendritic cell model in vitro (Bioplex immunoassay) (Glykos research FIN 2015)

• Tendency (P=0.068) to higher concentration of superoxide dismutase in Asian seabass (Kasetsart University, Thailand 2020)

Improved condition of intestinal epithelium

• Increased villus height in two trials in Asian seabass (Kasetsart University, Thailand 2020)

Improved performance of fish and shrimp

• Improved feed intake, growth and feed conversion ratio of Asian seabass (Kasetsart University, Thailand 2020)

• Improved performance of shrimp (Field trials in the Philippines)

PRACTICAL APPLICATION in fish and shrimp: 0.5–1.5 kg/ton
We keep on developing new applications for Progut®. Contact our Area Sales Managers to learn more.

Mode Of Action

Progut® trains the immunity for challenges and beneficially modulates the intestinal microbiota

How does the patented Progut® differ from the competing yeast products?

Microbes and animals have learned to co-exist and interact during the evolution. Biological functions between them are based on the molecular interactions. Size, shape and other physical properties of the molecules are of key importance for these ancient interactions also with yeast products.

Yeast cell wall contains mannoprotein, beta-glucan and chitin which all have a potential role in the gut. In an intact yeast cell these structures are cross-linked and weakly exposed to the microbes or immune cell receptors.

The cell wall components are opened and released for optimal availability to bacteria and immune cells by an optimized, unique acid hydrolysis process of Progut®. The patented whole yeast hydrolysate Progut® contains both high amounts of soluble oligosaccharides and the insoluble cell wall fraction.

This results in a product with outstanding amount of suitable molecular structures for bacterial and immunological interactions in the gut.

Trains the immunity of young animals

Progut® contains several immune stimulating compounds (β-glucan, mannoprotein and chitin structures) and has increased water-solubility for better visibility to immune receptors. It has shown to increase the recruitment of T-lymphocytes and the immunoglobulin production in the gut. Due to these functions it has enhanced the immune responses of young animals under challenge. Progut® trains the immune system of young animals to cope better with the challenges.

Efficiently binds E. coli and Salmonella bacteria

Progut® contains similar carbohydrate structures, such as mannose-rich glycoproteins, as the intestinal mucus. These structures in available form provide attachment sites for the fimbriae of pathogens, thus preventing them from attaching to intestinal mucosa. Progut® has shown outstanding efficacy in preventing the adherence of E. coli and salmonella to intestinal mucus.

Beneficially modulates the gut microbiota

Progut® has shown to beneficially modulate the composition of gut microbiota in sows, piglets and broilers.

Progut® – the 3 in one patented yeast hydrolyzate

Published articles, monogastric animals:

Hasan, S., Junnikkala, S., Peltoniemi, O., Paulin, L., Lyyski, A., Vuorenmaa, J. and Oliviero, C. (2018) Dietary supplementation with yeast hydrolysate in pregnancy does influence colostrum yield, gut microbiota of sow and piglets after birth. In: Plos One.

Jensen, K., Damgaard, B., Andresen, L., Jørgensen, E. and Carstensen, E. (2013) Prevention of post weaning diarrhea by a Saccharomyces cerevisiae derived product based on whole yeast. In: Animal Feed Science and Technology 183: 29–39.

Kim, M., Seo, J., Yun, C. Kang, S., Ko, J. and Ha, J. (2011) Effects of hydrolyzed yeast supplementation in calf starter on immune responses to vaccine challenge in neonatal calves. In: Animal 5: 953–960.

Molist, F., van Eerden E., Parmentier, H.K. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2014) Effects of inclusion of hydrolyzed yeast on the immune response and performance of piglets after weaning. In: Animal Feed Science and Technology 195: 136–141.

Vaahtovuo, J., Korkeamäki, M., Munukka, E., Hämeenoja, P. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2007) Microbial balance index – a view on the intestinal microbiota. In: Livestock Science 109: 174–178.


Published articles, ruminants

Gaffney, D., Sheehy, M., Vuorenmaa, J. and Fahey, A. (2014) The effect of supplementing dairy cows with a hydrolyzed yeast product (ProgutRumen) on milk production and somatic cell scores (Abstract). In: Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 97, E-Suppl., 789.

Kettunen, H., Vuorenmaa, J., Gaffney, D. and Apajalahti, J. (2016) Yeast hydrolysate product enhances ruminal fermentation in vitro. In: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition 4.

Meissner, H., Henning, P. Leeuw, K-J., Hagg, F., Horn, C., Kettunen, A. and Apajalahti, J. (2014) Efficacy and mode of action of selected non-ionophore antibiotics and direct-fed microbials in relation to Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 during in vitro fermentation of an acidosis-causing substrate. In: Livestock Science 162: 115–125.



Gaffney D., Sheehy M., Vuorenmaa J., Fahey A. (2014) The effect of supplementing dairy cows with a hydrolyzed yeast product (ProgutRumen) on milk production and somatic cell scores. At: Joint Annual Meeting 2014, Kansas City, USA.

Hasan S., Junnikkala S., Peltoniemi O., Oliviero C. (2017): Dietary supplementation of pregnancy diet with yeast derivate can influence colostrum yield, colostrum composition and gut microbiota. At: Gut Health Symposium 2017, St Louis, USA.

Hasan, S., Peltoniemi, O., Vuorenmaa, J., Oliviero, C. (2019). Use of antibiotics at early age can affect the gut microbiota composition and diversity in one -week old piglets. At: 11th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (Poster)

Hasan, S., Valkonen, E., Kettunen,H., Vuorenmaa, J. (2019). A unique hydrolyzed yeast product can prevent postweaning diarrhea in Escherichia coli-susceptible piglets. At: Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals 2019, St. Louis, USA. (Presentation, Abstract)

Molist, F., van Eerden, E., Parmentiers, H. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2014). Effects of inclusion of hydrolyzed yeast on the immune response and performance of piglets after weaning. At: The 6th European Symposium on Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) 2014, Sorrento, Italy.

Oliviero C, Hasan S, Junnikkala S, Peltoniemi O. (2016) Effect of a late pregnancy diet supplemented with hydrolysed yeast on sow colostrum yield and its composition. At: European Symposium of Domestic Animal Reproduction 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

Vaahtovuo, J., Korkeamaki, M., Munukka, E., Valaja, J., Venalainen, E., Vuorenmaa, J., Hameenoja, E. and Helander, E. (2006). Intestinal microbiota and feed design. At: the 12th European Poultry Congress 2006, Verona, Italy.

Safety & Quality

Production: Safety & Quality

Progut® is produced at two production facilities: in Nastola (Finland) and in Brazil.

Production process grants a stable content of the bio-active compounds

A feed material status in European Union, registered in several countries beyond EU

GMP+ (Nastola) and ISO certified

Strict internal and external quality control