Naturally Active Force

A patented, natural resin acids product which improves gut integrity and performance of animals. It’s refined from a side-stream of cellulose industry. Resin acids originate from rosin – a substance, which protects coniferous trees. In Finland, rosin has been used throughout the centuries for wound healing and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

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Overview — Progres®


Progres® is based on resin acids, the natural protection mechanism of coniferous trees against bacteria, fungi and parasites. It’s produced by thermal distillation without added chemicals from a side stream of cellulose production.


The bioactive compound is known, measurable, and stable. Its unique ability to enforce gut integrity by reducing the inflammation-induced degradation of collagen has been scientifically proven.


Progres® improves both animal performance and the sustainability of animal production and is becoming an integral part of antibiotic free production systems worldwide. It gives consistent, proven effects in different animal species and conditions.
Benefits in Farm Animals

Potential, which became reality

Launched in 2015 (watch the original video), Progres® has proven itself internationally in different species and production conditions. We believe that resin acids, the unique active compound of this natural product, have a huge potential and we keep exploring it together with our partners.

  • Poultry
  • Pig
  • Young ruminants
  • Other Species
Support intestinal integrity of your birds in normal and challenging conditions. Making the good better really pays back!
Improves performance in both healthy and disease challenged birds

• In challenge trials, Progres® improved broiler growth on average by +2,5 g/day and feed conversion ratio on average by 7 points.

• Under normal trial conditions, Progres® improved broiler growth on average by +1,8 g/day and feed conversion ratio on average by 5 points.

• Under normal trial conditions, Progres® improved EEI of turkeys on average by 19 points and feed conversion ratio on average by 6.5 points.

Benefits wellbeing of birds by improving litter quality

• Under normal trial conditions, Progres® improved FPD scores of broilers by 12.6%.

• In a turkey trial Progres® improved litter quality by 43.6% and FPD scores by 25.8% .

• In field trials with layer hens Progres® reduced dirty eggs and improved litter quality.


• For improvement of performance, litter quality, and FPD scores of broilers, turkeys and layers

• Broilers 0.5–1.0 kg/ton of feed

• Turkeys 0.5–1.5 kg/ton of feed

• Layers 0.5–1.0 kg/ton of feed

Help your piglets to a good start! Progres® performs splendidly when fed to sows before farrowing and to piglets after weaning.
Enhances farrowing and lactation sow performance

• Sow fed Progres® in lactation diet (starting one week before expected farrowing) improve piglet colostrum intake and sow colostrum yield.

• Progres® in sow lactation diet helps to improve the colostrum IgG and Serum Amyloid A (SAA) consistently.

• Progres® helps to shorten the farrowing duration in sow when included in gestion diet.

• Supplementation of Progres® in late gestation diets change the hind gut microbiota (more butyrate producer and cellulolytic bacteria) and improve sow physiology.

Improves sow litter performance

• Progres® in sow feed improves the survivability of the suckling piglets and increase the number of weaned piglets up to one piglet per farrowing. 

• Litters from Progres® fed sows are heavier at weaning and with higher ADG. 

• Progres® addition in the sow diet improved the vitality of piglets with low birth weight.

• Several field trials and numerous customer experiences have showed that litters of Progres® fed sows require significantly less antibiotic treatments .

• ROI of Progres® fed sow can be up 15 times compared to the control fed sow.

Improves post-wean piglet performance

• Feeding Progres® to post-wean piglets significantly improved ADG.

• Improved FCR in weaners.

• Reduced post-weaning diarrhea of piglets.


• For better colostrum yield, quality and lactation performance we recommend to start Progres® application one week earlier of expected farrowing date (lactation diet) and continue throughout lactation.

• Recommended dose for sow: 1.0 – 1.5 kg/t of feed.


• Suckling piglets and weaners 0.75–1.0 kg/t of feed.

• Older pigs (2 weeks post-weaning) 0.5 – 0.75 kg/t of feed

Progres® supports the health and improves the performance of calves, goat kids and lambs.
Improves the growth and feed efficiency of young ruminants

• Progres® addition in milk replacer increased the final slaughter weight (3.1 kg) and feed conversion ratio FCR (6 points) of veal calves with restricted feeding.

• Progres® addition in milk replacer increased the final slaughter weight (3.6 kg) and FCR (7 points) of veal calves with ad libitum feeding.

• Progres® addition in milk replacer increased the average daily gain (7 %) and FCR (6 %) of goat kids.

Supports good health and reduces the need of antibiotic treatments in young ruminants

• Reduced number of antibiotic treatments in veal calves.

• Improved lung scores in goat kids.

Practical application

• For improvement of growth and feed efficiency of calves, lambs and goat kids

Milk replacers: 1kg/ton

• Starter feeds: 0.4–0.8 kg/ton up to 10 weeks of age

We keep on developing new applications for Progres® together with our dedicated partners.

Mode Of Action

Resin acids protect collagen – the base of intestinal integrity

Whatever the cause of inflammation, resin acids reduce its negative impact.

Intestinal epithelium is a delicate tissue which needs to absorb nutrients efficiently and yet maintain a barrier against the entry of pathogens.

Inflammation harms epithelial barrier functions.

Progres® reduces the impact of inflammation to the epithelial integrity.

Progres® also favorably modifies the gastrointestinal microbiota.

Effects on gut tissue and microbiota

Intestinal epithelium is a crucially important tissue for high-performing farm animals. Even subclinical inflammation impairs the epithelial barrier function and reduces the capacity for nutrient absorption.
Intestinal epithelium is composed by only one layer of cells which are attached to the collagen-rich basal membrane. Inflammation induces the expression of specific matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymes which degrade collagen and other structural molecules of the extracellular matrix. This process damages epithelial integrity and leads to the “leaky gut syndrome”.
Our research has demonstrated that diet-derived resin acids inhibit the expression and collagenolytic activity of inflammation-associated MMPs. Resin acids also reduce the number of inflammatory T-lymphocytes in the small-intestinal tissue.
By these mechanisms the resin acids of Progres® reduce the impact of inflammation to the epithelial integrity.
Progres® also beneficially modulates intestinal microbiota, favouring butyrate producers and lactobacilli, and reducing the growth of Gram-positive pathogens.

Watch the Mode of Action Animation

Progres® – powerful and scientifically proven

Aguirre, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Kettunen, H., Valkonen, E., Callens, C., Haesebrouck, F., Ducatelle, R., Van Immerseel, F. and Goosens, E. (2019) In-feed resin acids reduce matrix metalloproteinase activity in the ileal mucosa of healthy broilers without inducing major effects on the gut microbiota. In: Veterinary Research 50: 15.

Apajalahti, J., Vienola K., Raatikainen K., Kettunen H. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2020) Distribution, metabolism, and recovery of resin acids in the intestine and tissues of broiler chickens in a feeding trial with tall oil fatty acid-supplemented diets. In: Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

Hasan, S., Saha, S., Junnikkala, S., Orro, T., Peltoniemi, O. and Oliviero, C. (2018) Late gestation diet supplementation of resin acid-enriched composition increases sow colostrum IgG content, piglet colostrum intake and modulates sow gut microbiota. In: Animal.

Kettunen, H., van Eerden, E., Lipiński, K., Rinttilä, T., Valkonen, E. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2017) Dietary resin acid composition as a performance enhancer for broiler chickens. In: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition 5: 1–8.

Lipiński, K., Vuorenmaa, J., Mazur-Kuśnirek, M. and Antoszkiewicz, Z. (2020) Effect of resin acid composition on growth performance, footpad dermatitis, slaughter value, and gastrointestinal tract development in turkeys. In: Journal of Applied Poultry Research.

Kettunen, H., , Rinttilä, T., Grönberg, H., Valkonen, E. and Apajalahti, J. (2015) Natural resin acid-enriched composition as a modulator of intestinal microbiota and performance enhancer in broiler chicken. In: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition 3: 1–9.

Roy, K., Lyhs, U., Vuorenmaa, J. and Pedersen, K. (2018) In vitro inhibition studies of natural resin acids to Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli O149. In: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition 5: 1–5.

Vienola, K., Jurgens, G., Vuorenmaa, J. and Apajalahti, J. (2018) Tall oil fatty acid inclusion in the diet improves performance and increases ileal density of lactobacilli in broiler chickens. In: British Poultry Science. 59: 349–355.


Published abstracts and posters:

Hasan, S., Junnikkala, S., Peltoniemi, O. and Oliviero, C. (2017) Dietary supplementation of tall oil fatty acid and resin acid in farrowing sows can affect the colostrum quality. At: The 9th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. (Poster)

Hasah, S., Kamyzek, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Valkonen, E., and Kettunen, H. (2019) Dietary resin acid supplementation improves the performance of sows and piglets. At: 3rd International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics (ATA) December 16-18, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. (Poster)

Hasan, S., Saha, S., Yun, J., Peltoniemi, O. and Oliviero, C. (2018) Dietary supplementation with tall oil fatty acid and resin acid increases sow colostrum IgG and piglets’ colostrum intake in free farrowing pen. At: The 10th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) 2018, Barcelona, Spain. (Presentation, Abstract)

Hasan, S., Sani, S., Junnikkala, S., Orro, T., Peltoniemi, O., Oliviero, C. (2018) Late gestation diet supplementation of resin acid-enriched composition increases sow colostrum IgG, piglet colostrum intake and modulates sow gut microbiota. At: 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, 21-24 August 2018, Brisbane, Australia. (Presentation, Abstract)

Kairenius, P., Mäntysaari, P., Lidauer P., Franco M., Frantzi, M., Kettunen H. and Rinne, M. (2019) The effects of in-feed resin acid inclusion on milk production responses of dairy cows. At: XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP 2019), Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. (Poster)

Kettunen, H., Apajalahti, J., Valkonen, E., Rinttilä, T., Grönberg, H. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2014) A novel, resin-based dietary ingredient reduces the risk of necrotic enteritis in turkeys. At: The XIVth European Poultry Conference (EPC) 2014, Stavanger, Norway. (Poster)

Kettunen, H., Frantzi, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Breves, G. and Eger, M. (2019) Resin acid composition increases propionate and butyrate production in a Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC) model. At: XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP 2019), Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. (Poster)

Kettunen, H., Vuorenmaa, J., Valkonen, E. and Apajalahti, J. (2014) A resin acid -based product improved performance of broiler chicks in a necrotic enteritis model using a commercial-type dietary formula. At: The XIVth European Poultry Conference (EPC) 2014, Stavanger, Norway. (Presentation, Abstract)

Kettunen, H., Vuorenmaa, J., Vienola, K., Valkonen, E., Apajalahti, J. and Vartiainen, S. (2019) Resin acid composition reduces small-intestinal expression of collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases in broilers. At: 6th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health (IHSIG 2019), Rome, Italy 3–5 April 2019. (Poster)

Kolpe, A., Aguirre, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Valkonen, E., Kettunen, H., Callens, C., Haesebrouck, F., Ducatelle, R., Van Immerseel, F. and Goossens, E. (2019) Resin acids reduce expression of matrix metalloproteinases in vitro and in the ileal mucosa of broilers. At: 6th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health (IHSIG 2019), Rome, Italy 3–5 April 2019. (Presentation, Abstract)

Kolpe, A., Goossens, E., Van Immerseel, F., Antonissen, G., De Gussem, M., Dedeurwaerder, A., Ducatelle, R., Vuorenmaa, J., Hasan, S., Valkonen, E. and Kettunen, H. (2019) In-feed resin acids improve small-intestinal mucosal characteristics of broiler chickens during dysbiosis challenge. At: 3rd International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics (ATA), December 16-18, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. (Poster)

Lipiński, K., Vuorenmaa, J., Antoszkiewicz, Z., Kaliniewicz, J., Mazur M. and Makowski, Z. (2017) Effect of resin acid composition on growth performance, footpad dermatitis, slaughter value and gastrointestinal tract development in turkeys. At: The 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN), Salou, Spain. (Poster)

Qin, N., Karenius, P., Lidauer, P., Franco, M., Niku, M., Junnikkala, S., and Kettunen, H. (2019) The effects of in-feed resin acid composition on the colostrum composition and immunity of dairy cows. At: XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP 2019), Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. (Poster)

Roy, K., Lyhs, U. and Pedersen, K. (2015) Inhibition studies of natural resin acids to Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli O149. At: The 1st International Conference on Necrotic Enteritis in Poultry 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Poster)

Valkonen, E. (2018) Performance enhancing effect of a natural resin acid composition in broiler chickens under a variety of challenge conditions. At: The 15th European Poultry Conference (EPC) 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (Presentation, Abstract).

Valkonen, E., Apajalahti, J., Kettunen, H., Vienola, K., Vuorenmaa, J. and Raatikainen, K. (2019) In-feed resin acids do not accumulate in broiler breast muscle or adipose tissue At: 22nd European Symposium in Poultry Nutrition (ESPN 2019), 10-13 June, Gdańsk, Poland. (Poster)

Valkonen, E., Sarker, N., Hasan, S., Kettunen, H. and Vuorenmaa, J. (2019) Effects of resin acid composition on broiler performance in comparison to ionophoric in-feed coccidiostat. At: World’s Poultry Science Association, Bangladesh Branch, 11th International Poultry Seminar, 5-6 March 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Presentation, Abstract)

Vuorenmaa, J., Goossens, E., Kettunen, H., Aguirre, M., Valkonen, E., Ducatelle, R., Hasan, S. and Van Immerseel, F. (2019) Natural resin acid composition supports the connective tissue of small intestinal epithelium and brings consistent performance benefits to broilers. At: World’s Poultry Science Association, Bangladesh Branch, 11th International Poultry Seminar, 5-6 March 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster)

Vuorenmaa, J., Valkonen, E., Apajalahti, J., Kettunen, H. and Vienola, (2019) Beneficial performance effect of tall oil fatty acids is likely based on the effects of resin acids. At: 22nd European Symposium in Poultry Nutrition (ESPN 2019), 10-13 June, Gdańsk, Poland. (Poster)

Vuorenmaa, J., Valkonen, E. and Kettunen, H. (2017) Dietary resin acid composition as a performance enhancer for broiler chickens. At: 5th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health, 11-12 October 2017, Bangkok, Thailand. (Presentation, Abstract)

Yun, J., Hasan, S., Saha, S., Oliveiro, C. and Peltoniemi, O. (2018) Effects of supplementing prepartum sow diets with organic acids on neonatal piglet mortality. At: 10th European Symposium on Porcine Health Management, 9-11 May 2018 Barcelona, Spain. (Poster)

Safety & Quality

Production: Safety & Quality

Production plant: the largest single tall oil distillery in the world

Production process grants a stable content of the active compound

A feed material status in European Union, registered in several countries beyond EU

GMP+ and ISO certified

Strict internal and external quality control


Progres® is a new and highly innovative product, developed by Suomen Rehu, for use in animal feeding. It has its roots in the Finnish forests. It is a naturally active force.